External review of telecentre.org
Monday, 03 October 2011 12:58
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Gamos has contributed to an external review and evaluation of telecentre.org and its programmes. The review provides an opportunity to learn from the experience of the current telecentre.org activities specifically to use the findings for: Informing future program direction; Improving operational and management strategies and; Developing a set of recommendations for IDRC that can be used in future management of a large multi-donor partnership programmes, especially those involving the private sector.

The methodology for the Review included, documentation, interviews with key stakeholders, analysis of online presence and a network analysis of stakeholders attending events and engaging online. The report also includes three detailed case studies of Mali, Bangladesh and Colombia. These studies confirm that telecentre.org has made contributions to the telecentre ecosystem. An analysis of telecentre contributions as a whole, and of boundary stakeholder views in particular, suggests that the programme has succeeded in 'creating a buzz' within the telecentre movement and getting its message across: For long term survival and success, it is vital that telecentres come together to form networks.

Further to the aims stated above, Gamos' evaluation considered:

  • The extent to which the program has met its objectives as set out in the Business Plan, and how the program identifies and manages risk to the achievement of those objectives.
  • The strengths and weaknesses of the overall and specific program approach, particularly how any changes or evolution have contributed to meeting and transforming the program objectives.
  • The significance of the program results (i.e. outputs, reach, outcomes, and recognition) and analyse how the program results have or have not contributed to the changes in policy or capacity of its key partners.
  • The benefits and challenges of telecentre.org partnership model, including the management of the program at IDRC.

To view the full report, including details of the various areas and stages of analysis and the recommendations, please view the full report bellow.

Telecentre.org External Program Review